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Modules | Defines | Functions | Variables
Runtime Environment


 Event Scheduler
 Stored Routines


#define SP_TYPE_STRING(LP)   ((LP)->sphead->m_type == SP_TYPE_FUNCTION ? "FUNCTION" : "PROCEDURE")
#define used_stack(A, B)   (long) (B - A)
#define MY_YACC_INIT   1000
#define MY_YACC_MAX   32000


log_throttle_qni & 
opt_log_throttle_queries_not_using_indexes (s) suppressed."
bool stmt_causes_implicit_commit (const THD *thd, uint mask)
void init_update_queries (void)
bool sqlcom_can_generate_row_events (const THD *thd)
bool is_update_query (enum enum_sql_command command)
bool is_explainable_query (enum enum_sql_command command)
bool is_log_table_write_query (enum enum_sql_command command)
void execute_init_command (THD *thd, LEX_STRING *init_command, mysql_rwlock_t *var_lock)
pthread_handler_t handle_bootstrap (void *arg)
void do_handle_bootstrap (THD *thd)
void free_items (Item *item)
void cleanup_items (Item *item)
bool do_command (THD *thd)
bool dispatch_command (enum enum_server_command command, THD *thd, char *packet, uint packet_length)
bool log_slow_applicable (THD *thd)
void log_slow_do (THD *thd)
void log_slow_statement (THD *thd)
int prepare_schema_table (THD *thd, LEX *lex, Table_ident *table_ident, enum enum_schema_tables schema_table_idx)
bool alloc_query (THD *thd, const char *packet, uint packet_length)
int mysql_execute_command (THD *thd)
bool check_single_table_access (THD *thd, ulong privilege, TABLE_LIST *all_tables, bool no_errors)
bool check_one_table_access (THD *thd, ulong privilege, TABLE_LIST *all_tables)
bool check_access (THD *thd, ulong want_access, const char *db, ulong *save_priv, GRANT_INTERNAL_INFO *grant_internal_info, bool dont_check_global_grants, bool no_errors)
 Compare requested privileges with the privileges acquired from the User- and Db-tables.
bool check_table_access (THD *thd, ulong requirements, TABLE_LIST *tables, bool any_combination_of_privileges_will_do, uint number, bool no_errors)
 Check if the requested privileges exists in either User-, Host- or Db-tables.
bool check_routine_access (THD *thd, ulong want_access, char *db, char *name, bool is_proc, bool no_errors)
bool check_some_routine_access (THD *thd, const char *db, const char *name, bool is_proc)
bool check_some_access (THD *thd, ulong want_access, TABLE_LIST *table)
bool check_global_access (THD *thd, ulong want_access)
bool check_fk_parent_table_access (THD *thd, HA_CREATE_INFO *create_info, Alter_info *alter_info)
bool check_stack_overrun (THD *thd, long margin, uchar *buf __attribute__((unused)))
bool my_yyoverflow (short **yyss, YYSTYPE **yyvs, ulong *yystacksize)
void mysql_reset_thd_for_next_command (THD *thd)
void mysql_init_select (LEX *lex)
bool mysql_new_select (LEX *lex, bool move_down)
void create_select_for_variable (const char *var_name)
void mysql_init_multi_delete (LEX *lex)
void mysql_parse (THD *thd, char *rawbuf, uint length, Parser_state *parser_state)
bool add_field_to_list (THD *thd, LEX_STRING *field_name, enum_field_types type, char *length, char *decimals, uint type_modifier, Item *default_value, Item *on_update_value, LEX_STRING *comment, char *change, List< String > *interval_list, const CHARSET_INFO *cs, uint uint_geom_type)
void store_position_for_column (const char *name)
bool add_to_list (THD *thd, SQL_I_List< ORDER > &list, Item *item, bool asc)
void add_join_natural (TABLE_LIST *a, TABLE_LIST *b, List< String > *using_fields, SELECT_LEX *lex)
uint kill_one_thread (THD *thd, ulong id, bool only_kill_query)
bool append_file_to_dir (THD *thd, const char **filename_ptr, const char *table_name)
bool check_simple_select ()
Comp_creatorcomp_eq_creator (bool invert)
Comp_creatorcomp_ge_creator (bool invert)
Comp_creatorcomp_gt_creator (bool invert)
Comp_creatorcomp_le_creator (bool invert)
Comp_creatorcomp_lt_creator (bool invert)
Comp_creatorcomp_ne_creator (bool invert)
Itemall_any_subquery_creator (Item *left_expr, chooser_compare_func_creator cmp, bool all, SELECT_LEX *select_lex)
bool select_precheck (THD *thd, LEX *lex, TABLE_LIST *tables, TABLE_LIST *first_table)
bool multi_update_precheck (THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables)
bool multi_delete_precheck (THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables)
bool multi_delete_set_locks_and_link_aux_tables (LEX *lex)
bool update_precheck (THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables)
bool delete_precheck (THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables)
bool insert_precheck (THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables)
void create_table_set_open_action_and_adjust_tables (LEX *lex)
bool create_table_precheck (THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables, TABLE_LIST *create_table)
Itemnegate_expression (THD *thd, Item *expr)
void get_default_definer (THD *thd, LEX_USER *definer)
LEX_USERcreate_default_definer (THD *thd)
LEX_USERcreate_definer (THD *thd, LEX_STRING *user_name, LEX_STRING *host_name)
LEX_USERget_current_user (THD *thd, LEX_USER *user)
bool check_string_byte_length (LEX_STRING *str, const char *err_msg, uint max_byte_length)
bool check_string_char_length (LEX_STRING *str, const char *err_msg, uint max_char_length, const CHARSET_INFO *cs, bool no_error)
C_MODE_START int test_if_data_home_dir (const char *dir)
C_MODE_END bool check_host_name (LEX_STRING *str)
int MYSQLparse (class THD *thd)
bool parse_sql (THD *thd, Parser_state *parser_state, Object_creation_ctx *creation_ctx)


const char * any_db = "*any*"
const LEX_STRING command_name []
const char * xa_state_names []
uint sql_command_flags [SQLCOM_END+1]
uint server_command_flags [COM_END+1]
long max_stack_used

Define Documentation

#define SP_COM_STRING (   LP)
((LP)->sql_command == SQLCOM_CREATE_SPFUNCTION || \
   (LP)->sql_command == SQLCOM_ALTER_FUNCTION || \
   (LP)->sql_command == SQLCOM_SHOW_CREATE_FUNC || \
   (LP)->sql_command == SQLCOM_DROP_FUNCTION ? \

Function Documentation

bool add_field_to_list ( THD *  thd,
LEX_STRING *  field_name,
enum_field_types  type,
char *  length,
char *  decimals,
uint  type_modifier,
Item default_value,
Item on_update_value,
LEX_STRING *  comment,
char *  change,
List< String > *  interval_list,
const CHARSET_INFO *  cs,
uint  uint_geom_type 

Store field definition for create.

Return 0 if ok
void add_join_natural ( TABLE_LIST a,
List< String > *  using_fields,
SELECT_LEX *  lex 

Create a fake SELECT_LEX for a unit.

The method create a fake SELECT_LEX object for a unit. This object is created for any union construct containing a union operation and also for any single select union construct of the form

    (SELECT ... ORDER BY order_list [LIMIT n]) ORDER BY ... 
    or of the form
  @param thd_arg		   thread handle

    The object is used to retrieve rows from the temporary table
    where the result on the union is obtained.

    1     on failure to create the object
    0     on success

bool st_select_lex_unit::add_fake_select_lex(THD *thd_arg)
  SELECT_LEX *first_sl= first_select();

  if (!(fake_select_lex= new (thd_arg->mem_root) SELECT_LEX()))
  fake_select_lex->select_number= INT_MAX;
  fake_select_lex->parent_lex= thd_arg->lex; /* Used in init_query. */
  fake_select_lex->linkage= GLOBAL_OPTIONS_TYPE;
  fake_select_lex->select_limit= 0;

  /* allow item list resolving in fake select for ORDER BY */
  fake_select_lex->context.resolve_in_select_list= TRUE;
  fake_select_lex->context.select_lex= fake_select_lex;

  if (!is_union())
      This works only for 
      (SELECT ... ORDER BY list [LIMIT n]) ORDER BY order_list [LIMIT m],
      (SELECT ... LIMIT n) ORDER BY order_list [LIMIT m]
      just before the parser starts processing order_list
    global_parameters= fake_select_lex;
    fake_select_lex->no_table_names_allowed= 1;
    thd_arg->lex->current_select= fake_select_lex;

  Push a new name resolution context for a JOIN ... ON clause to the
  context stack of a query block.

    Create a new name resolution context for a JOIN ... ON clause,
    set the first and last leaves of the list of table references
    to be used for name resolution, and push the newly created
    context to the stack of contexts of the query.

  @param thd       pointer to current thread
  @param left_op   left  operand of the JOIN
  @param right_op  rigth operand of the JOIN

  @todo Research if we should set the "outer_context" member of the new ON

    FALSE  if all is OK
    TRUE   if a memory allocation error occured

push_new_name_resolution_context(THD *thd,
                                 TABLE_LIST *left_op, TABLE_LIST *right_op)
  Name_resolution_context *on_context;
  if (!(on_context= new (thd->mem_root) Name_resolution_context))
    return TRUE;
  on_context->select_lex= thd->lex->current_select;
  // Save join nest's context in right_op, to find it later in view merging.
  DBUG_ASSERT(right_op->context_of_embedding == NULL);
  right_op->context_of_embedding= on_context;
  return thd->lex->push_context(on_context);

  Add an ON condition to the second operand of a JOIN ... ON.

    Add an ON condition to the right operand of a JOIN ... ON clause.

  @param b     the second operand of a JOIN ... ON
  @param expr  the condition to be added to the ON clause

void add_join_on(TABLE_LIST *b, Item *expr)
  if (expr)
    if (!b->join_cond())
        If called from the parser, this happens if you have both a
        right and left join. If called later, it happens if we add more
        than one condition to the ON clause.
      b->set_join_cond(new Item_cond_and(b->join_cond(), expr));

  Mark that there is a NATURAL JOIN or JOIN ... USING between two

    This function marks that table b should be joined with a either via
    a NATURAL JOIN or via JOIN ... USING. Both join types are special
    cases of each other, so we treat them together. The function
    setup_conds() creates a list of equal condition between all fields
    of the same name for NATURAL JOIN or the fields in 'using_fields'
    for JOIN ... USING. The list of equality conditions is stored
    either in b->join_cond(), or in JOIN::conds, depending on whether there
    was an outer join.

    SELECT * FROM t1 LEFT JOIN t2 ON (t1.i=t2.i and t1.j=t2.j ... )

    SELECT * FROM t1 NATURAL JOIN t2 WHERE <some_cond>
    SELECT * FROM t1, t2 WHERE (t1.i=t2.i and t1.j=t2.j and <some_cond>)

    SELECT * FROM t1 JOIN t2 USING(j) WHERE <some_cond>
    SELECT * FROM t1, t2 WHERE (t1.j=t2.j and <some_cond>)
aLeft join argument
bRight join argument
using_fieldsField names from USING clause
bool add_to_list ( THD *  thd,
SQL_I_List< ORDER > &  list,
Item item,
bool  asc 

save order by and tables in own lists.

Item* all_any_subquery_creator ( Item left_expr,
chooser_compare_func_creator  cmp,
bool  all,
SELECT_LEX *  select_lex 

Construct ALL/ANY/SOME subquery Item.

left_exprpointer to left expression
cmpcompare function creator
alltrue if we create ALL subquery
select_lexpointer on parsed subquery structure
constructed Item (or 0 if out of memory)
bool alloc_query ( THD *  thd,
const char *  packet,
uint  packet_length 

Read query from packet and store in thd->query. Used in COM_QUERY and COM_STMT_PREPARE.

Sets the following THD variables:

  • query
  • query_length
Return values:
TRUEerror; In this case thd->fatal_error is set
bool append_file_to_dir ( THD *  thd,
const char **  filename_ptr,
const char *  table_name 

If pointer is not a null pointer, append filename to it.

bool check_access ( THD *  thd,
ulong  want_access,
const char *  db,
ulong *  save_priv,
GRANT_INTERNAL_INFO grant_internal_info,
bool  dont_check_global_grants,
bool  no_errors 

Compare requested privileges with the privileges acquired from the User- and Db-tables.

thdThread handler
want_accessThe requested access privileges.
dbA pointer to the Db name.
[out]save_privA pointer to the granted privileges will be stored.
grant_internal_infoA pointer to the internal grant cache.
dont_check_global_grantsTrue if no global grants are checked.
no_errorTrue if no errors should be sent to the client.

'save_priv' is used to save the User-table (global) and Db-table grants for the supplied db name. Note that we don't store db level grants if the global grants is enough to satisfy the request AND the global grants contains a SELECT grant.

For internal databases (INFORMATION_SCHEMA, PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA), additional rules apply, see ACL_internal_schema_access.

See also:
Status of denial of access by exclusive ACLs.
Return values:
FALSEAccess can't exclusively be denied by Db- and User-table access unless Column- and Table-grants are checked too.
TRUEAccess denied.
bool check_fk_parent_table_access ( THD *  thd,
HA_CREATE_INFO create_info,
Alter_info alter_info 

Checks foreign key's parent table access.

thd[in] Thread handler
create_info[in] Create information (like MAX_ROWS, ENGINE or temporary table flag)
alter_info[in] Initial list of columns and indexes for the table to be created
Return values:
trueerror or access denied. Error is sent to client in this case.
bool check_global_access ( THD *  thd,
ulong  want_access 

check for global access and give descriptive error message if it fails.

thdThread handler
want_accessUse should have any of these global rights
One gets access right if one has ANY of the rights in want_access. This is useful as one in most cases only need one global right, but in some case we want to check if the user has SUPER or REPL_CLIENT_ACL rights.
Return values:
1Access denied. In this case an error is sent to the client
C_MODE_END bool check_host_name ( LEX_STRING *  str)

Check that host name string is valid.

[in]strstring to be checked
Operation status
Return values:
FALSEhost name is ok
TRUEhost name string is longer than max_length or has invalid symbols
bool check_one_table_access ( THD *  thd,
ulong  privilege,
TABLE_LIST all_tables 

Check grants for commands which work only with one table and all other tables belonging to subselects or implicitly opened tables.

thdThread handler
privilegerequested privilege
all_tablesglobal table list of query
Return values:
1access denied, error is sent to client

Check if the select is a simple select (not an union).

Return values:
1error ; In this case the error messege is sent to the client
bool check_single_table_access ( THD *  thd,
ulong  privilege,
TABLE_LIST all_tables,
bool  no_errors 

Check grants for commands which work only with one table.

thdThread handler
privilegerequested privilege
all_tablesglobal table list of query
no_errorsFALSE/TRUE - report/don't report error to the client (using my_error() call).
Return values:
1access denied, error is sent to client
bool check_some_access ( THD *  thd,
ulong  want_access,

Check if the given table has any of the asked privileges

thdThread handler
want_accessBitmap of possible privileges to check for
Return values:
bool check_some_routine_access ( THD *  thd,
const char *  db,
const char *  name,
bool  is_proc 

Check if the routine has any of the routine privileges.

thdThread handler
dbDatabase name
nameRoutine name
Return values:
bool check_stack_overrun ( THD *  thd,
long  margin,
uchar *buf   __attribute__(unused) 
Note: The 'buf' parameter is necessary, even if it is unused here.
  • fix_fields functions has a "dummy" buffer large enough for the corresponding exec. (Thus we only have to check in fix_fields.)
  • Passing to check_stack_overrun() prevents the compiler from removing it.
bool check_string_byte_length ( LEX_STRING *  str,
const char *  err_msg,
uint  max_byte_length 

Check that byte length of a string does not exceed some limit.

strstring to be checked
err_msgerror message to be displayed if the string is too long
max_lengthmax length
Return values:
FALSEthe passed string is not longer than max_length
TRUEthe passed string is longer than max_length

NOTE The function is not used in existing code but can be useful later?

bool check_table_access ( THD *  thd,
ulong  requirements,
TABLE_LIST tables,
bool  any_combination_of_privileges_will_do,
uint  number,
bool  no_errors 

Check if the requested privileges exists in either User-, Host- or Db-tables.

thdThread context
want_accessPrivileges requested
tablesList of tables to be compared against
no_errorsDon't report error to the client (using my_error() call).
any_combination_of_privileges_will_doTRUE if any privileges on any column combination is enough.
numberOnly the first 'number' tables in the linked list are relevant.

The suppled table list contains cached privileges. This functions calls the help functions check_access and check_grant to verify the first three steps in the privileges check queue: 1. Global privileges 2. OR (db privileges AND host privileges) 3. OR table privileges 4. OR column privileges (not checked by this function!) 5. OR routine privileges (not checked by this function!)

See also:
This functions assumes that table list used and thd->lex->query_tables_own_last value correspond to each other (the latter should be either 0 or point to next_global member of one of elements of this table list).
Return values:
TRUEAccess denied; But column or routine privileges might need to be checked also.
void cleanup_items ( Item item)

This works because items are allocated with sql_alloc().

The function also handles null pointers (empty list).

Create default definer for the specified THD.

[in]thdthread handler
  • On success, return a valid pointer to the created and initialized LEX_USER, which contains definer information.
  • On error, return 0.
LEX_USER* create_definer ( THD *  thd,
LEX_STRING *  user_name,
LEX_STRING *  host_name 

Create definer with the given user and host names.

[in]thdthread handler
[in]user_nameuser name
[in]host_namehost name
  • On success, return a valid pointer to the created and initialized LEX_USER, which contains definer information.
  • On error, return 0.
void create_select_for_variable ( const char *  var_name)

Create a select to return the same output as 'SELECT @var_name'.


This will crash with a core dump if the variable doesn't exists.

var_nameVariable name
bool create_table_precheck ( THD *  thd,
TABLE_LIST tables,
TABLE_LIST create_table 

CREATE TABLE query pre-check.

thdThread handler
tablesGlobal table list
create_tableTable which will be created
Return values:

Set proper open mode and table type for element representing target table of CREATE TABLE statement, also adjust statement table list if necessary.

bool delete_precheck ( THD *  thd,
TABLE_LIST tables 

simple DELETE query pre-check.

thdThread handler
tablesGlobal table list
Return values:
bool dispatch_command ( enum enum_server_command  command,
THD *  thd,
char *  packet,
uint  packet_length 

Perform one connection-level (COM_XXXX) command.

commandtype of command to perform
thdconnection handle
packetdata for the command, packet is always null-terminated
packet_lengthlength of packet + 1 (to show that data is null-terminated) except for COM_SLEEP, where it can be zero.

set thd->lex->sql_command to SQLCOM_END here.

The following has to be changed to an 8 byte integer

Return values:
1request of thread shutdown, i. e. if command is COM_QUIT/COM_SHUTDOWN

Clear the set of flags that are expected to be cleared at the beginning of each command.

Enforce password expiration for all RPC commands, except the following:

COM_QUERY does a more fine-grained check later. COM_STMT_CLOSE and COM_STMT_SEND_LONG_DATA don't return anything. COM_PING only discloses information that the server is running, and that's available through other means. COM_QUIT should work even for expired statements.

bool do_command ( THD *  thd)

Read one command from connection and execute it (query or simple command). This function is called in loop from thread function.

For profiling to work, it must never be called recursively.

Return values:
1request of thread shutdown (see dispatch_command() description)
LEX_USER* get_current_user ( THD *  thd,
LEX_USER user 

Retuns information about user or current user.

[in]thdthread handler
  • On success, return a valid pointer to initialized LEX_USER, which contains user information.
  • On error, return 0.
void get_default_definer ( THD *  thd,
LEX_USER definer 

Set the specified definer to the default value, which is the current user in the thread.

[in]thdthread handler
pthread_handler_t handle_bootstrap ( void *  arg)

Execute commands from bootstrap_file.

Used when creating the initial grant tables.

bool insert_precheck ( THD *  thd,
TABLE_LIST tables 

simple INSERT query pre-check.

thdThread handler
tablesGlobal table list
Return values:
bool is_log_table_write_query ( enum enum_sql_command  command)

Check if a sql command is allowed to write to log tables.

commandThe SQL command
true if writing is allowed
uint kill_one_thread ( THD *  thd,
ulong  id,
bool  only_kill_query 

kill on thread.

thdThread class
idThread id
only_kill_queryShould it kill the query or the connection
This is written such that we have a short lock on LOCK_thread_count
bool log_slow_applicable ( THD *  thd)

Check whether we need to write the current statement (or its rewritten version if it exists) to the slow query log. As a side-effect, a digest of suppressed statements may be written.

thdthread handle
Return values:
truestatement needs to be logged
falsestatement does not need to be logged
void log_slow_do ( THD *  thd)

Unconditionally the current statement (or its rewritten version if it exists) to the slow query log.

thdthread handle
void log_slow_statement ( THD *  thd)

Check whether we need to write the current statement to the slow query log. If so, do so. This is a wrapper for the two functions above; most callers should use this wrapper. Only use the above functions directly if you have expensive rewriting that you only need to do if the query actually needs to be logged (e.g. SP variables / NAME_CONST substitution when executing a PROCEDURE). A digest of suppressed statements may be logged instead of the current statement.

thdthread handle
bool multi_delete_precheck ( THD *  thd,
TABLE_LIST tables 

Multi delete query pre-check.

thdThread handler
tablesGlobal/local table list
Return values:

Link tables in auxilary table list of multi-delete with corresponding elements in main table list, and set proper locks for them.

lexpointer to LEX representing multi-delete
Return values:
bool multi_update_precheck ( THD *  thd,
TABLE_LIST tables 

Multi update query pre-check.

thdThread handler
tablesGlobal/local table list (have to be the same)
Return values:
int mysql_execute_command ( THD *  thd)

Execute command saved in thd and lex->sql_command.

thdThread handle
  • Invalidate the table in the query cache if something changed after unlocking when changes become visible.

: this is workaround. right way will be move invalidating in the unlock procedure.

  • TODO: use check_change_password()
Return values:


void mysql_init_select ( LEX *  lex)

Resets the lex->current_select object.

It is assumed that lex->current_select != NULL

This function is a wrapper around select_lex->init_select() with an added check for the special situation when using INTO OUTFILE and LOAD DATA.

bool mysql_new_select ( LEX *  lex,
bool  move_down 

Used to allocate a new SELECT_LEX object on the current thd mem_root and link it into the relevant lists.

This function is always followed by mysql_init_select.

See also:
Return values:
TRUEAn error occurred
FALSEThe new SELECT_LEX was successfully allocated.
void mysql_parse ( THD *  thd,
char *  rawbuf,
uint  length,
Parser_state *  parser_state 

Parse a query.

thdCurrent thread
rawbufBegining of the query text
lengthLength of the query text
[out]found_semicolonFor multi queries, position of the character of the next query in the query text.
void mysql_reset_thd_for_next_command ( THD *  thd)

Reset the part of THD responsible for the state of command processing.

This needs to be called before execution of every statement (prepared or conventional). It is not called by substatements of routines.

Remove mysql_reset_thd_for_next_command and only use the member function.
Call it after we use THD for queries, not before.
Item* negate_expression ( THD *  thd,
Item expr 

negate given expression.

thdthread handler
exprexpression for negation
negated expression
bool parse_sql ( THD *  thd,
Parser_state *  parser_state,
Object_creation_ctx creation_ctx 

This is a wrapper of MYSQLparse(). All the code should call parse_sql() instead of MYSQLparse().

thdThread context.
parser_stateParser state.
creation_ctxObject creation context.
Error status.
Return values:
FALSEon success.
TRUEon parsing error.
int prepare_schema_table ( THD *  thd,
LEX *  lex,
Table_ident *  table_ident,
enum enum_schema_tables  schema_table_idx 

Create a TABLE_LIST object for an INFORMATION_SCHEMA table.

This function is used in the parser to convert a SHOW or DESCRIBE table_name command to a SELECT from INFORMATION_SCHEMA. It prepares a SELECT_LEX and a TABLE_LIST object to represent the given command as a SELECT parse tree.

thdthread handle
lexcurrent lex
table_identtable alias if it's used
schema_table_idxthe type of the INFORMATION_SCHEMA table to be created
Due to the way this function works with memory and LEX it cannot be used outside the parser (parse tree transformations outside the parser break PS and SP).
Return values:
1out of memory or SHOW commands are not allowed in this version of the server.
bool select_precheck ( THD *  thd,
LEX *  lex,
TABLE_LIST tables,
TABLE_LIST first_table 

Perform first stage of privilege checking for SELECT statement.

thdThread context.
lexLEX for SELECT statement.
tablesList of tables used by statement.
first_tableFirst table in the main SELECT of the SELECT statement.
Return values:
FALSE- Success (column-level privilege checks might be required).
TRUE- Failure, privileges are insufficient.
void store_position_for_column ( const char *  name)

Store position for column in ALTER TABLE .. ADD column.

bool update_precheck ( THD *  thd,
TABLE_LIST tables 

simple UPDATE query pre-check.

thdThread handler
tablesGlobal table list
Return values:

Variable Documentation

uint sql_command_flags[SQLCOM_END+1]

Mark all commands that somehow changes a table.

This is used to check number of updates / hour.

sql_command is actually set to SQLCOM_END sometimes so we need the +1 to include it in the array.

See COMMAND_FLAG_xxx for different type of commands 2 - query that returns meaningful ROW_COUNT() - a number of modified rows

const char* xa_state_names[]
Initial value:
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