InnoDB Plugin  1.0
Functions | Variables
data0data.ic File Reference
#include "mem0mem.h"
#include "ut0rnd.h"
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UNIV_INLINE dtype_tdfield_get_type (const dfield_t *field)
UNIV_INLINE void dfield_set_type (dfield_t *field, const dtype_t *type)
UNIV_INLINE void * dfield_get_data (const dfield_t *field)
UNIV_INLINE ulint dfield_get_len (const dfield_t *field)
UNIV_INLINE void dfield_set_len (dfield_t *field, ulint len)
UNIV_INLINE ulint dfield_is_null (const dfield_t *field)
UNIV_INLINE ulint dfield_is_ext (const dfield_t *field)
UNIV_INLINE void dfield_set_ext (dfield_t *field)
UNIV_INLINE void dfield_set_data (dfield_t *field, const void *data, ulint len)
UNIV_INLINE void dfield_set_null (dfield_t *field)
UNIV_INLINE void dfield_copy_data (dfield_t *field1, const dfield_t *field2)
UNIV_INLINE void dfield_copy (dfield_t *field1, const dfield_t *field2)
UNIV_INLINE void dfield_dup (dfield_t *field, mem_heap_t *heap)
UNIV_INLINE ibool dfield_datas_are_binary_equal (const dfield_t *field1, const dfield_t *field2, ulint len)
UNIV_INLINE ibool dfield_data_is_binary_equal (const dfield_t *field, ulint len, const byte *data)
UNIV_INLINE ulint dtuple_get_info_bits (const dtuple_t *tuple)
UNIV_INLINE void dtuple_set_info_bits (dtuple_t *tuple, ulint info_bits)
UNIV_INLINE ulint dtuple_get_n_fields_cmp (const dtuple_t *tuple)
UNIV_INLINE void dtuple_set_n_fields_cmp (dtuple_t *tuple, ulint n_fields_cmp)
UNIV_INLINE ulint dtuple_get_n_fields (const dtuple_t *tuple)
UNIV_INLINE dfield_tdtuple_get_nth_field (const dtuple_t *tuple, ulint n)
UNIV_INLINE dtuple_tdtuple_create_from_mem (void *buf, ulint buf_size, ulint n_fields)
UNIV_INLINE dtuple_tdtuple_create (mem_heap_t *heap, ulint n_fields)
UNIV_INLINE dtuple_tdtuple_copy (const dtuple_t *tuple, mem_heap_t *heap)
UNIV_INLINE ulint dtuple_get_data_size (const dtuple_t *tuple, ulint comp)
UNIV_INLINE ulint dtuple_get_n_ext (const dtuple_t *tuple)
UNIV_INLINE void dtuple_set_types_binary (dtuple_t *tuple, ulint n)
UNIV_INLINE ulint dtuple_fold (const dtuple_t *tuple, ulint n_fields, ulint n_bytes, index_id_t tree_id)
UNIV_INLINE void data_write_sql_null (byte *data, ulint len)
UNIV_INLINE ibool dtuple_contains_null (const dtuple_t *tuple)
UNIV_INLINE void dtuple_big_rec_free (big_rec_t *vector)


byte data_error

Detailed Description

SQL data field and tuple

Created 5/30/1994 Heikki Tuuri

Function Documentation

UNIV_INLINE void data_write_sql_null ( byte *  data,
ulint  len 

Writes an SQL null field full of zeros.

datain: pointer to a buffer of size len
lenin: SQL null size in bytes
UNIV_INLINE void dfield_copy ( dfield_t field1,
const dfield_t field2 

Copies a data field to another.

field1out: field to copy to
field2in: field to copy from
UNIV_INLINE void dfield_copy_data ( dfield_t field1,
const dfield_t field2 

Copies the data and len fields.

field1out: field to copy to
field2in: field to copy from
UNIV_INLINE ibool dfield_data_is_binary_equal ( const dfield_t field,
ulint  len,
const byte *  data 

Tests if dfield data length and content is equal to the given.

TRUE if equal
fieldin: field
lenin: data length or UNIV_SQL_NULL
datain: data
UNIV_INLINE ibool dfield_datas_are_binary_equal ( const dfield_t field1,
const dfield_t field2,
ulint  len 

Tests if two data fields are equal. If len==0, tests the data length and content for equality. If len>0, tests the first len bytes of the content for equality.

TRUE if both fields are NULL or if they are equal
field1in: field
field2in: field
lenin: maximum prefix to compare, or 0 to compare the whole field length
UNIV_INLINE void dfield_dup ( dfield_t field,
mem_heap_t heap 

Copies the data pointed to by a data field.

fieldin/out: data field
heapin: memory heap where allocated
UNIV_INLINE void* dfield_get_data ( const dfield_t field)

Gets pointer to the data in a field.

pointer to data
fieldin: field
UNIV_INLINE ulint dfield_get_len ( const dfield_t field)

Gets length of field data.

length of data; UNIV_SQL_NULL if SQL null data
fieldin: field
UNIV_INLINE dtype_t* dfield_get_type ( const dfield_t field)

Gets pointer to the type struct of SQL data field.

pointer to the type struct
fieldin: SQL data field
UNIV_INLINE ulint dfield_is_ext ( const dfield_t field)

Determines if a field is externally stored

nonzero if externally stored
fieldin: field
UNIV_INLINE ulint dfield_is_null ( const dfield_t field)

Determines if a field is SQL NULL

nonzero if SQL null data
fieldin: field
UNIV_INLINE void dfield_set_data ( dfield_t field,
const void *  data,
ulint  len 

Sets pointer to the data and length in a field.

fieldin: field
datain: data
lenin: length or UNIV_SQL_NULL
UNIV_INLINE void dfield_set_ext ( dfield_t field)

Sets the "external storage" flag

fieldin/out: field
UNIV_INLINE void dfield_set_len ( dfield_t field,
ulint  len 

Sets length in a field.

fieldin: field
lenin: length or UNIV_SQL_NULL
UNIV_INLINE void dfield_set_null ( dfield_t field)

Sets a data field to SQL NULL.

fieldin/out: field
UNIV_INLINE void dfield_set_type ( dfield_t field,
const dtype_t type 

Sets the type struct of SQL data field.

fieldin: SQL data field
typein: pointer to data type struct
UNIV_INLINE void dtuple_big_rec_free ( big_rec_t vector)

Frees the memory in a big rec vector.

vectorin, own: big rec vector; it is freed in this function
UNIV_INLINE ibool dtuple_contains_null ( const dtuple_t tuple)

Checks if a dtuple contains an SQL null value.

TRUE if some field is SQL null
tuplein: dtuple
UNIV_INLINE dtuple_t* dtuple_copy ( const dtuple_t tuple,
mem_heap_t heap 

Copies a data tuple to another. This is a shallow copy; if a deep copy is desired, dfield_dup() will have to be invoked on each field.

own: copy of tuple
tuplein: tuple to copy from
heapin: memory heap where the tuple is created
UNIV_INLINE dtuple_t* dtuple_create ( mem_heap_t heap,
ulint  n_fields 

Creates a data tuple to a memory heap. The default value for number of fields used in record comparisons for this tuple is n_fields.

own: created tuple
heapin: memory heap where the tuple is created, DTUPLE_EST_ALLOC(n_fields) bytes will be allocated from this heap
n_fieldsin: number of fields
UNIV_INLINE dtuple_t* dtuple_create_from_mem ( void *  buf,
ulint  buf_size,
ulint  n_fields 

Creates a data tuple from an already allocated chunk of memory. The size of the chunk must be at least DTUPLE_EST_ALLOC(n_fields). The default value for number of fields used in record comparisons for this tuple is n_fields.

created tuple (inside buf)
bufin, out: buffer to use
buf_sizein: buffer size
n_fieldsin: number of fields
UNIV_INLINE ulint dtuple_fold ( const dtuple_t tuple,
ulint  n_fields,
ulint  n_bytes,
index_id_t  tree_id 

Folds a prefix given as the number of fields of a tuple.

the folded value
tuplein: the tuple
n_fieldsin: number of complete fields to fold
n_bytesin: number of bytes to fold in an incomplete last field
tree_idin: index tree id
UNIV_INLINE ulint dtuple_get_data_size ( const dtuple_t tuple,
ulint  comp 

The following function returns the sum of data lengths of a tuple. The space occupied by the field structs or the tuple struct is not counted. Neither is possible space in externally stored parts of the field.

sum of data lengths
tuplein: typed data tuple
compin: nonzero=ROW_FORMAT=COMPACT
UNIV_INLINE ulint dtuple_get_info_bits ( const dtuple_t tuple)

Gets info bits in a data tuple.

info bits
tuplein: tuple
UNIV_INLINE ulint dtuple_get_n_ext ( const dtuple_t tuple)

Computes the number of externally stored fields in a data tuple.

number of externally stored fields
tuplein: tuple
UNIV_INLINE ulint dtuple_get_n_fields ( const dtuple_t tuple)

Gets number of fields in a data tuple.

number of fields
tuplein: tuple
UNIV_INLINE ulint dtuple_get_n_fields_cmp ( const dtuple_t tuple)

Gets number of fields used in record comparisons.

number of fields used in comparisons in rem0cmp.*
tuplein: tuple
UNIV_INLINE dfield_t* dtuple_get_nth_field ( const dtuple_t tuple,
ulint  n 

Gets nth field of a tuple.

nth field
tuplein: tuple
nin: index of field
UNIV_INLINE void dtuple_set_info_bits ( dtuple_t tuple,
ulint  info_bits 

Sets info bits in a data tuple.

tuplein: tuple
info_bitsin: info bits
UNIV_INLINE void dtuple_set_n_fields_cmp ( dtuple_t tuple,
ulint  n_fields_cmp 

Sets number of fields used in record comparisons.

tuplein: tuple
n_fields_cmpin: number of fields used in comparisons in rem0cmp.*
UNIV_INLINE void dtuple_set_types_binary ( dtuple_t tuple,
ulint  n 

Sets types of fields binary in a tuple.

tuplein: data tuple
nin: number of fields to set

Variable Documentation

byte data_error
Dummy variable to catch access to uninitialized fields.  In the

debug version, dtuple_create() will make all fields of dtuple_t point to data_error.