DBA的好帮手 —— sys schema

本文详细地介绍了MySQL 5.7新引入的sys schema。首先,本文概要地介绍了sys schema的作用和定位;其次,分别介绍了sys schema中的视图、函数和存储过程;接下来,通过两个例子来演示sys schema的用法,便于大家理解sys schema带来的实实在在的好处;最后讨论了sys schema还可以增加的内容。

1. sys schema的介绍

sys schema是MySQL 5.7.7中引入的一个系统库,包含了一系列视图、函数和存储过程, 该项目专注于MySQL的易用性,例如,我们可以通过sys schema快速的知道,哪些语句使用了临时表,哪个用户请求了最多的io,哪个线程占用了最多的内存,哪些索引是无用索引等。

引入sys schema以后,MySQL的易用性将会得到极大地提升,MySQL的用户分析问题和定位问题,将更多的依赖sys schema,减少外部工具的使用。

前面说过,sys schema中包含了大量的视图(只有sys_config是innodb表),那么,这些视图的信息来自哪里呢?视图中的信息均来自performance schema和information schema中的统计信息。MySQL Server blog中有一个很好的比喻:

For Linux users I like to compare performance_schema to /proc, and SYS to vmstat.

也就是说,performance schema和information schema中提供了信息源,但是,没有很好的将这些信息组织成有用的信息,从而没有很好的发挥它们的作用。而sys schema使用performance schema和information schema中的信息,通过视图的方式给出解决实际问题的答案。这就是sys schema的作用和目的,也是为什么sys schema值得我们花点时间学习的原因。

2. sys schema中的视图、函数和存储过程

可以通过以下语句快速查看sys schema包含的视图、函数和存储过程

 show full tables from sys
 show function status where db = 'sys';
 show procedure status where db = 'sys'


2.1 视图

sys schema中的视图(和一张表)如下,通过名称就很容易猜到具体是做什么用的。

mysql> select table_name , table_type, engine from information_schema.tables where table_schema = 'sys' order by table_name;
| table_name                                    | table_type | engine |
| host_summary                                  | VIEW       | NULL   |
| host_summary_by_file_io                       | VIEW       | NULL   |
| host_summary_by_file_io_type                  | VIEW       | NULL   |
| host_summary_by_stages                        | VIEW       | NULL   |
| host_summary_by_statement_latency             | VIEW       | NULL   |
| host_summary_by_statement_type                | VIEW       | NULL   |
| innodb_buffer_stats_by_schema                 | VIEW       | NULL   |
| innodb_buffer_stats_by_table                  | VIEW       | NULL   |
| innodb_lock_waits                             | VIEW       | NULL   |
| io_by_thread_by_latency                       | VIEW       | NULL   |
| io_global_by_file_by_bytes                    | VIEW       | NULL   |
| io_global_by_file_by_latency                  | VIEW       | NULL   |
| io_global_by_wait_by_bytes                    | VIEW       | NULL   |
| io_global_by_wait_by_latency                  | VIEW       | NULL   |
| latest_file_io                                | VIEW       | NULL   |
| memory_by_host_by_current_bytes               | VIEW       | NULL   |
| memory_by_thread_by_current_bytes             | VIEW       | NULL   |
| memory_by_user_by_current_bytes               | VIEW       | NULL   |
| memory_global_by_current_bytes                | VIEW       | NULL   |
| memory_global_total                           | VIEW       | NULL   |
| metrics                                       | VIEW       | NULL   |
| processlist                                   | VIEW       | NULL   |
| ps_check_lost_instrumentation                 | VIEW       | NULL   |
| schema_auto_increment_columns                 | VIEW       | NULL   |
| schema_index_statistics                       | VIEW       | NULL   |
| schema_object_overview                        | VIEW       | NULL   |
| schema_redundant_indexes                      | VIEW       | NULL   |
| schema_tables_with_full_table_scans           | VIEW       | NULL   |
| schema_table_lock_waits                       | VIEW       | NULL   |
| schema_table_statistics                       | VIEW       | NULL   |
| schema_table_statistics_with_buffer           | VIEW       | NULL   |
| schema_unused_indexes                         | VIEW       | NULL   |
| session                                       | VIEW       | NULL   |
| session_ssl_status                            | VIEW       | NULL   |
| statements_with_errors_or_warnings            | VIEW       | NULL   |
| statements_with_full_table_scans              | VIEW       | NULL   |
| statements_with_runtimes_in_95th_percentile   | VIEW       | NULL   |
| statements_with_sorting                       | VIEW       | NULL   |
| statements_with_temp_tables                   | VIEW       | NULL   |
| statement_analysis                            | VIEW       | NULL   |
| sys_config                                    | BASE TABLE | InnoDB |
| user_summary                                  | VIEW       | NULL   |
| user_summary_by_file_io                       | VIEW       | NULL   |
| user_summary_by_file_io_type                  | VIEW       | NULL   |
| user_summary_by_stages                        | VIEW       | NULL   |
| user_summary_by_statement_latency             | VIEW       | NULL   |
| user_summary_by_statement_type                | VIEW       | NULL   |
| version                                       | VIEW       | NULL   |
| waits_by_host_by_latency                      | VIEW       | NULL   |
| waits_by_user_by_latency                      | VIEW       | NULL   |
| waits_global_by_latency                       | VIEW       | NULL   |
| wait_classes_global_by_avg_latency            | VIEW       | NULL   |
| wait_classes_global_by_latency                | VIEW       | NULL   |


mysql> select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema = 'sys' and table_name like '%memory%';
| table_name                          |
| memory_by_host_by_current_bytes     |
| memory_by_thread_by_current_bytes   |
| memory_by_user_by_current_bytes     |
| memory_global_by_current_bytes      |
| memory_global_total                 |
| x$memory_by_host_by_current_bytes   |
| x$memory_by_thread_by_current_bytes |
| x$memory_by_user_by_current_bytes   |
| x$memory_global_by_current_bytes    |
| x$memory_global_total               |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> select * from host_summary_by_file_io;
| host        | ios  | io_latency |
| background  | 2143 | 266.48 ms  |
| | 1748 | 116.52 ms  |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from x$host_summary_by_file_io;
| host        | ios  | io_latency   |
| background  | 2148 | 266558291670 |
| | 1748 | 116518395300 |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> show create table host_summary_by_file_io\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
                View: host_summary_by_file_io
         Create View: CREATE ALGORITHM=TEMPTABLE DEFINER=`mysql.sys`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY INVOKER VIEW `host_summary_by_file_io` AS select if(isnull(`performance_schema`.`events_waits_summary_by_host_by_event_name`.`HOST`),'background',`performance_schema`.`events_waits_summary_by_host_by_event_name`.`HOST`) AS `host`,sum(`performance_schema`.`events_waits_summary_by_host_by_event_name`.`COUNT_STAR`) AS `ios`,`sys`.`format_time`(sum(`performance_schema`.`events_waits_summary_by_host_by_event_name`.`SUM_TIMER_WAIT`)) AS `io_latency` from `performance_schema`.`events_waits_summary_by_host_by_event_name` where (`performance_schema`.`events_waits_summary_by_host_by_event_name`.`EVENT_NAME` like 'wait/io/file/%') group by if(isnull(`performance_schema`.`events_waits_summary_by_host_by_event_name`.`HOST`),'background',`performance_schema`.`events_waits_summary_by_host_by_event_name`.`HOST`) order by sum(`performance_schema`.`events_waits_summary_by_host_by_event_name`.`SUM_TIMER_WAIT`) desc
character_set_client: utf8
collation_connection: utf8_general_ci
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

可以看到,定义非常复杂,如果不是sys schema提供了这么好用的视图,我们自己几乎无法从这么多信息中获取到有用的信息。

2.2 函数

如果你仔细看了上面的定义视图的SQL语句,你可能注意它使用了一个叫做sys.format_time的函数,这个函数也是随着sys schema一起发布,用以格式化时间单位。sys schema还包含了其他一些有用的函数,如下所示:

| sys            | extract_schema_from_file_name    | FUNCTION     |
| sys            | extract_table_from_file_name     | FUNCTION     |
| sys            | format_bytes                     | FUNCTION     |
| sys            | format_path                      | FUNCTION     |
| sys            | format_statement                 | FUNCTION     |
| sys            | format_time                      | FUNCTION     |
| sys            | list_add                         | FUNCTION     |
| sys            | list_drop                        | FUNCTION     |
| sys            | ps_is_account_enabled            | FUNCTION     |
| sys            | ps_is_consumer_enabled           | FUNCTION     |
| sys            | ps_is_instrument_default_enabled | FUNCTION     |
| sys            | ps_is_instrument_default_timed   | FUNCTION     |
| sys            | ps_is_thread_instrumented        | FUNCTION     |
| sys            | ps_thread_account                | FUNCTION     |
| sys            | ps_thread_id                     | FUNCTION     |
| sys            | ps_thread_stack                  | FUNCTION     |
| sys            | ps_thread_trx_info               | FUNCTION     |
| sys            | sys_get_config                   | FUNCTION     |
| sys            | version_major                    | FUNCTION     |
| sys            | version_minor                    | FUNCTION     |
| sys            | version_patch                    | FUNCTION     |
21 rows in set (0.00 sec)

2.3 存储过程

下面的是sys schema包含的存储过程。可以看到,大部分存储过程都是PS开头的,PS是performance schema的简写,这些存储过程都是用来控制performance schema统计的行为。例如,ps_truncate_all_tables 的作用就是truncate所有performance schema中summary相关的表。


mysql> select ROUTINE_SCHEMA, ROUTINE_NAME, ROUTINE_TYPE from ROUTINES where ROUTINE_TYPE='PROCEDURE';                              
| ROUTINE_SCHEMA | ROUTINE_NAME                        | ROUTINE_TYPE |
| sys            | create_synonym_db                   | PROCEDURE    |
| sys            | diagnostics                         | PROCEDURE    |
| sys            | execute_prepared_stmt               | PROCEDURE    |
| sys            | ps_setup_disable_background_threads | PROCEDURE    |
| sys            | ps_setup_disable_consumer           | PROCEDURE    |
| sys            | ps_setup_disable_instrument         | PROCEDURE    |
| sys            | ps_setup_disable_thread             | PROCEDURE    |
| sys            | ps_setup_enable_background_threads  | PROCEDURE    |
| sys            | ps_setup_enable_consumer            | PROCEDURE    |
| sys            | ps_setup_enable_instrument          | PROCEDURE    |
| sys            | ps_setup_enable_thread              | PROCEDURE    |
| sys            | ps_setup_reload_saved               | PROCEDURE    |
| sys            | ps_setup_reset_to_default           | PROCEDURE    |
| sys            | ps_setup_save                       | PROCEDURE    |
| sys            | ps_setup_show_disabled              | PROCEDURE    |
| sys            | ps_setup_show_disabled_consumers    | PROCEDURE    |
| sys            | ps_setup_show_disabled_instruments  | PROCEDURE    |
| sys            | ps_setup_show_enabled               | PROCEDURE    |
| sys            | ps_setup_show_enabled_consumers     | PROCEDURE    |
| sys            | ps_setup_show_enabled_instruments   | PROCEDURE    |
| sys            | ps_statement_avg_latency_histogram  | PROCEDURE    |
| sys            | ps_trace_statement_digest           | PROCEDURE    |
| sys            | ps_trace_thread                     | PROCEDURE    |
| sys            | ps_truncate_all_tables              | PROCEDURE    |
| sys            | statement_performance_analyzer      | PROCEDURE    |
| sys            | table_exists                        | PROCEDURE    |
26 rows in set (0.00 sec)

3. sys schema示例

这一节简单的演示sys schema的用法,便于大家理解sys schema带来的实实在在的好处,然后讨论了sys schema还可以增加的内容。

3.1 sys schema的用法


  1. 如何查看数据库中的冗余索引,在MySQL 5.7之前,需要使用percona的 pt-duplicate-key-checker,现在直接查询sys.schema_redundant_indexes就可以了:

     select * from sys.schema_redundant_indexes;
  2. 如何获取未使用的索引

    在MySQL 5.7之前,我们也可以通过information schema查看未使用的索引:

       SELECT object_schema, object_name, index_name
         FROM performance_schema.table_io_waits_summary_by_index_usage
        WHERE index_name IS NOT NULL
          AND count_star = 0
        ORDER BY object_schema, object_name ;

    有了sys schema以后,直接查询schema_unused_indexes即可:

     select * from schema_unused_indexes;
  3. 如何查看使用全表扫描的SQL语句(MySQL 5.7之前我不知道怎么看额(⊙o⊙)…) 有了sys schema以后,直接查询statements_with_full_table_scans即可:

     select * from statements_with_full_table_scans

3.2 sys schema可以引入的视图

我发现,还有一些非常有用的信息,可以通过information schema 和performance schema获取到,但是,在sys schema中却没有。有鉴于此,个人感觉未来sys schema中的视图会继续增加。例如:

  • 查看没有主键的表

        SELECT DISTINCT t.table_schema, t.table_name
          FROM information_schema.tables AS t
          LEFT JOIN information_schema.columns AS c ON t.table_schema = c.table_schema AND t.table_name = c.table_name AND c.column_key = "PRI"
         WHERE t.table_schema NOT IN ('information_schema', 'mysql', 'performance_schema')
           AND c.table_name IS NULL AND t.table_type != 'VIEW';
  • 查看是谁创建的临时表

        SELECT user, host, event_name, count_star AS cnt, sum_created_tmp_disk_tables AS tmp_disk_tables, sum_created_tmp_tables AS tmp_tables
          FROM performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_account_by_event_name
         WHERE sum_created_tmp_disk_tables > 0
            OR sum_created_tmp_tables > 0 ;
  • 没有正确关闭数据库连接的用户

        SELECT ess.user, ess.host
             , (a.total_connections - a.current_connections) - ess.count_star as not_closed
             , ((a.total_connections - a.current_connections) - ess.count_star) * 100 /
               (a.total_connections - a.current_connections) as pct_not_closed
          FROM performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_account_by_event_name ess
          JOIN performance_schema.accounts a on (ess.user = a.user and ess.host = a.host)
         WHERE ess.event_name = 'statement/com/quit'
           AND (a.total_connections - a.current_connections) > ess.count_star ;

这些都是比较有用的信息,适合加入到sys schema中。

4. 总结

本文详细地介绍了sys schema的作用和组成,并通过几个例子演示了sys schema的易用性和不足,相信通过这篇文章,大家对sys schema能够有一个较完整的了解,也愿意花时间去深入了解sys schema中的各个视图。

此外,sys schema可以应用在MySQL 5.6上,具体信息见这里

赖明星 /
Published under (CC) BY-NC-SA in categories 数据库  tagged with MySQL