


 Cache* cache_;//声明

  CacheTest() : cache_(NewLRUCache(kCacheSize)) {//定义
    current_ = this; 

  ~CacheTest() {
    delete cache_;//删除

  int Lookup(int key) {//查找
    Cache::Handle* handle = cache_->Lookup(EncodeKey(key));
    const int r = (handle == NULL) ? -1 : DecodeValue(cache_->Value(handle));
    if (handle != NULL) {
    return r;

  void Insert(int key, int value, int charge = 1) {//插入
    cache_->Release(cache_->Insert(EncodeKey(key), EncodeValue(value), charge,

  void Erase(int key) {//删除


class Cache {
  Cache() { }

  // Destroys all existing entries by calling the "deleter"
  // function that was passed to the constructor.
  virtual ~Cache();

  // Opaque handle to an entry stored in the cache.
  struct Handle { };

  // Insert a mapping from key->value into the cache and assign it
  // the specified charge against the total cache capacity.
  // Returns a handle that corresponds to the mapping.  The caller
  // must call this->Release(handle) when the returned mapping is no
  // longer needed.
  // When the inserted entry is no longer needed, the key and
  // value will be passed to "deleter".
  virtual Handle* Insert(const Slice& key, void* value, size_t charge,
                         void (*deleter)(const Slice& key, void* value)) = 0;

  // If the cache has no mapping for "key", returns NULL.
  // Else return a handle that corresponds to the mapping.  The caller
  // must call this->Release(handle) when the returned mapping is no
  // longer needed.
  virtual Handle* Lookup(const Slice& key) = 0;

  // Release a mapping returned by a previous Lookup().
  // REQUIRES: handle must not have been released yet.
  // REQUIRES: handle must have been returned by a method on *this.
  virtual void Release(Handle* handle) = 0;

  // Return the value encapsulated in a handle returned by a
  // successful Lookup().
  // REQUIRES: handle must not have been released yet.
  // REQUIRES: handle must have been returned by a method on *this.
  virtual void* Value(Handle* handle) = 0;

  // If the cache contains entry for key, erase it.  Note that the
  // underlying entry will be kept around until all existing handles
  // to it have been released.
  virtual void Erase(const Slice& key) = 0;

  // Return a new numeric id.  May be used by multiple clients who are
  // sharing the same cache to partition the key space.  Typically the
  // client will allocate a new id at startup and prepend the id to
  // its cache keys.
  virtual uint64_t NewId() = 0;

  void LRU_Remove(Handle* e);
  void LRU_Append(Handle* e);
  void Unref(Handle* e);

  struct Rep;
  Rep* rep_;

  // No copying allowed
  Cache(const Cache&);
  void operator=(const Cache&);

从levelDB的源代码看到,Cache 是一个抽象类,我们是不能定义一个抽象类的对象的,通过NewLRUCache 函数我们可以看到,定义的是一个SharedLRUCache 对象。

Cache* NewLRUCache(size_t capacity) {
  return new SharedLRUCache(capacity);



static const int kNumShardBits = 4;
static const int kNumShards = 1 << kNumShardBits;

class ShardedLRUCache : public Cache {
  LRUCache shard_[kNumShards];
  port::Mutex id_mutex_;
  uint64_t last_id_;

  static inline uint32_t HashSlice(const Slice& s) {
    return Hash(s.data(), s.size(), 0);

  static uint32_t Shard(uint32_t hash) {
    return hash >> (32 - kNumShardBits);

  explicit ShardedLRUCache(size_t capacity)
      : last_id_(0) {
    const size_t per_shard = (capacity + (kNumShards - 1)) / kNumShards;
    for (int s = 0; s < kNumShards; s++) {
  virtual ~ShardedLRUCache() { }
  virtual Handle* Insert(const Slice& key, void* value, size_t charge,
                         void (*deleter)(const Slice& key, void* value)) {
    const uint32_t hash = HashSlice(key);
    return shard_[Shard(hash)].Insert(key, hash, value, charge, deleter);
  virtual Handle* Lookup(const Slice& key) {
    const uint32_t hash = HashSlice(key);
    return shard_[Shard(hash)].Lookup(key, hash);
  virtual void Release(Handle* handle) {
    LRUHandle* h = reinterpret_cast<LRUHandle*>(handle);
  virtual void Erase(const Slice& key) {
    const uint32_t hash = HashSlice(key);
    shard_[Shard(hash)].Erase(key, hash);
  virtual void* Value(Handle* handle) {
    return reinterpret_cast<LRUHandle*>(handle)->value;
  virtual uint64_t NewId() {
    MutexLock l(&id_mutex_);
    return ++(last_id_);

}  // end anonymous namespace

我们来看一下SharedLRUCache类,该类的关键成员变量LRUCache shard_[kNumShards]是一个数组,数组每个成员是一个LRUCache ,这才是真正的缓冲区。

SharedLRUCache 只做一件事,就是计算Hash 值,选择LRUCache ,代码如下:

static inline uint32_t HashSlice(const Slice& s) {
  return Hash(s.data(), s.size(), 0);

static uint32_t Shard(uint32_t hash) {
  return hash >> (32 - kNumShardBits);



uint32_t Hash(const char* data, size_t n, uint32_t seed) {
  // Similar to murmur hash
  const uint32_t m = 0xc6a4a793;
  const uint32_t r = 24;
  const char* limit = data + n;
  uint32_t h = seed ^ (n * m);

  // Pick up four bytes at a time
  while (data + 4 <= limit) {
    uint32_t w = DecodeFixed32(data);
    data += 4;
    h += w;
    h *= m;
    h ^= (h >> 16);

  // Pick up remaining bytes
  switch (limit - data) {
    case 3:
      h += data[2] << 16;
      // fall through
    case 2:
      h += data[1] << 8;
      // fall through
    case 1:
      h += data[0];
      h *= m;
      h ^= (h >> r);
  return h;

我们现在来看SharedLRUCache 类的完整定义,再次强调,它的主要作用就是计算hash值,选择LRUCache ,然后调用LRUCache 的函数即可。代码如下:

class ShardedLRUCache : public Cache {
  LRUCache shard_[kNumShards];
  port::Mutex id_mutex_;
  uint64_t last_id_;

  static inline uint32_t HashSlice(const Slice& s) {
    return Hash(s.data(), s.size(), 0);

  static uint32_t Shard(uint32_t hash) {
    return hash >> (32 - kNumShardBits);

  explicit ShardedLRUCache(size_t capacity)
      : last_id_(0) {
    const size_t per_shard = (capacity + (kNumShards - 1)) / kNumShards;
    for (int s = 0; s < kNumShards; s++) {
  virtual ~ShardedLRUCache() { }
  virtual Handle* Insert(const Slice& key, void* value, size_t charge,
                         void (*deleter)(const Slice& key, void* value)) {
    const uint32_t hash = HashSlice(key);
    return shard_[Shard(hash)].Insert(key, hash, value, charge, deleter);
  virtual Handle* Lookup(const Slice& key) {
    const uint32_t hash = HashSlice(key);
    return shard_[Shard(hash)].Lookup(key, hash);
  virtual void Release(Handle* handle) {
    LRUHandle* h = reinterpret_cast<LRUHandle*>(handle);
  virtual void Erase(const Slice& key) {
    const uint32_t hash = HashSlice(key);
    shard_[Shard(hash)].Erase(key, hash);
  virtual void* Value(Handle* handle) {
    return reinterpret_cast<LRUHandle*>(handle)->value;
  virtual uint64_t NewId() {
    MutexLock l(&id_mutex_);
    return ++(last_id_);



// A single shard of sharded cache.
class LRUCache {

  // Separate from constructor so caller can easily make an array of LRUCache
  void SetCapacity(size_t capacity) { capacity_ = capacity; }

  // Like Cache methods, but with an extra "hash" parameter.
  Cache::Handle* Insert(const Slice& key, uint32_t hash,
                        void* value, size_t charge,
                        void (*deleter)(const Slice& key, void* value));
  Cache::Handle* Lookup(const Slice& key, uint32_t hash);
  void Release(Cache::Handle* handle);
  void Erase(const Slice& key, uint32_t hash);

  void LRU_Remove(LRUHandle* e);
  void LRU_Append(LRUHandle* e);
  void Unref(LRUHandle* e);

  // Initialized before use.
  size_t capacity_;

  // mutex_ protects the following state.
  port::Mutex mutex_;
  size_t usage_;
  uint64_t last_id_;

  // Dummy head of LRU list.
  // lru.prev is newest entry, lru.next is oldest entry.
  LRUHandle lru_;

  HandleTable table_;

capacity_是当前缓冲区的容量,usage_是已经使用的缓冲区空间,如果usage_ > capacity_那就要选择一页驱逐出去了。

LRUCache 有两个关键的成员函数,分别是lru_table_lru_LRUHandle类型的节点,该节点是一个傀儡节点,傀儡节点便于我们操作双向链表,也就是说,LRUCache 中的没一个元素,都是一个LRUHandle类型的对象,table_是hash 表,便于快速判断数据是否在缓冲区中,hash 表中的元素是LRUHandle *。LRUHandle 的定义如下:

// An entry is a variable length heap-allocated structure.  Entries
// are kept in a circular doubly linked list ordered by access time.
struct LRUHandle {
  void* value;
  void (*deleter)(const Slice&, void* value);
  LRUHandle* next_hash;
  LRUHandle* next;
  LRUHandle* prev;
  size_t charge;      // TODO(opt): Only allow uint32_t?
  size_t key_length;
  uint32_t refs;
  uint32_t hash;      // Hash of key(); used for fast sharding and comparisons
  char key_data[1];   // Beginning of key

  Slice key() const {
    // For cheaper lookups, we allow a temporary Handle object
    // to store a pointer to a key in "value".
    if (next == this) {
      return *(reinterpret_cast<Slice*>(value));
    } else {
      return Slice(key_data, key_length);

还没弄懂charge和 key_data[1]的作用。


让我们暂停一下,先理清他们的关系。使用者再使用的时候,定义一个Cache* 指针,Cache类是一个抽象类,是不能定义这种类型的变量的,所以调用NewLRUCache函数返回一个SharedLRUCache对象,SharedLRUCache 定义了一个LRUCache 数组,这才是真正的缓冲区,也就是说,levelDB 将Cache 进行了封装,它的内部,其实有16个缓冲区,每个缓冲区都有独立的LRU 链表和Hash 表,便于查找,替换。

LRUCache中维护了一个双向链表,链表的元素类型为LRUHandle ,文字描述就这样,图示如下:


hash表的实现比较简单,也比较优美,其中,length是指hash表桶的数量,elems 是元素的个数,当元素的个数大于桶的数量,就重新hash ,这样的话,hash 的平均查找代价为O(1)。

class HandleTable {
  HandleTable() : length_(0), elems_(0), list_(NULL) { Resize(); }
  ~HandleTable() { delete[] list_; }

  LRUHandle* Lookup(const Slice& key, uint32_t hash) {
    return *FindPointer(key, hash);

  LRUHandle* Insert(LRUHandle* h) {
    LRUHandle** ptr = FindPointer(h->key(), h->hash);
    LRUHandle* old = *ptr;
    h->next_hash = (old == NULL ? NULL : old->next_hash);
    *ptr = h;
    if (old == NULL) {
      if (elems_ > length_) {
        // Since each cache entry is fairly large, we aim for a small
        // average linked list length (<= 1).
    return old;

  LRUHandle* Remove(const Slice& key, uint32_t hash) {
    LRUHandle** ptr = FindPointer(key, hash);
    LRUHandle* result = *ptr;
    if (result != NULL) {
      *ptr = result->next_hash;
    return result;

  // The table consists of an array of buckets where each bucket is
  // a linked list of cache entries that hash into the bucket.
  uint32_t length_;
  uint32_t elems_;
  LRUHandle** list_;

  // Return a pointer to slot that points to a cache entry that
  // matches key/hash.  If there is no such cache entry, return a
  // pointer to the trailing slot in the corresponding linked list.
  LRUHandle** FindPointer(const Slice& key, uint32_t hash) {
    LRUHandle** ptr = &list_[hash & (length_ - 1)];
    while (*ptr != NULL &&
           ((*ptr)->hash != hash || key != (*ptr)->key())) {
      ptr = &(*ptr)->next_hash;
    return ptr;

  void Resize() {
    uint32_t new_length = 4;
    while (new_length < elems_) {
      new_length *= 2;
    LRUHandle** new_list = new LRUHandle*[new_length];
    memset(new_list, 0, sizeof(new_list[0]) * new_length);
    uint32_t count = 0;
    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length_; i++) {
      LRUHandle* h = list_[i];
      while (h != NULL) {
        LRUHandle* next = h->next_hash;
        Slice key = h->key();
        uint32_t hash = h->hash;
        LRUHandle** ptr = &new_list[hash & (new_length - 1)];
        h->next_hash = *ptr;
        *ptr = h;
        h = next;
    assert(elems_ == count);
    delete[] list_;
    list_ = new_list;
    length_ = new_length;

刚开始我很难理解如何在Hash表查找代价较大的时候重新hash, 其实就是判断记录hash 表的长度和元素个数,这样就能知道平均查找代价,当平均查找代价比较高的时候,就重新hash 。

理解得还不够透彻,有几个地方还有疑问,但是我从阅读levelDB 源代码中学到了如下知识:


  • 对一个2的指数求余 LRUHandle** ptr = &new_list[hash & (new_length - 1)];
  • 变长的Hash Table cache.cc 文件中的void Resize();
  • SharedLRUCache 中用最高的4位来做桶hash
  • HASH 值的计算(Similar to mrumru hash) hash.cc文件中的Hash
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Published under (CC) BY-NC-SA in categories NoSql  tagged with levelDB  Cache  hash